Rant of the Day….. 04NOV17 All Seized up

I was told this week by someone whom I love and has been an inspiration for many of my dreams and deeds that no one cares any more, or ever. But, for sure that no one cares as much as I do in their sphere of influence. The remark was meant to ‘put me in my place’ or to diminish my passion in regards to the Tyranny around all of us. No on cares.

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Rant of the Day…. 19SEP17 Cause and Effect….

Always here to talk to any of my Brothers and Sisters in Arms, we Patriots bear a unique burden that is indescribable to the laymen, not by fault of our own, but as scars from picking up the yoke for others who refused to pick it up for themselves in the defense of Liberty.

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Rant of the Day…… 18SEP17 Corporal Punishment

During the Revolutionary War when the British Citizens on the continent of America fought against the Tyrannical Throne and the British Army, the first man to perish in the pursuit of Liberty was black, a man of color, a man of Honor. His blood red like ours, his Patriotic Spirit, that of a freed slave and now whaler, illuminated Boston in the past, and I do hope his memory and Patriotic Spirit continues to bask this Nation, his Nation, in perpetuity.

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