Friday 10 FEB 17 Rant of the Day

Ode to the Truth


Sometimes one realizes that even though they attempt to do the right thing, they fail. Failure is good; it means one is involved and not sitting on the sidelines. There are two other options are to not try or to succeed. Can’t succeed without risk, just have to make sure that the juice is worth the squeeze.


So what is success? Guess it depends on the individual and their goals. What do I consider success? Hell, me blogging and expressing myself is a win to me personally. Expressing my opinion in a logical manner hopefully free of emotion, would be a great start.


Lots of changes happening at the DECARLOSDANGER HQ, not sure what the end result will be, but the changes they are a coming and it is best to get off the track. Got to the game late, the field is set, and the outcome is nearly self-evident. Its not that I don’t want to play the game because of fear of failure, it’s that the game provides opportunities that I have yet to fully realize and which means I have yet to fail. But, if I do fail that’s ok too, after all its how you get up after you are knocked down that matters most anyway.


Been listening to a couple of podcasts over the last year. The Jason Stapleton Program promotes a Libertarian view of Life. His show is good for a Marine, since everyone knows or should know, that the Best Marine is a Submarine. The other podcaster is Krisanne Hall, she is also a Veteran, great Constitutional knowledge, and passionate about the defense of the Law of the Land.

I would recommend giving either a listen if you have the time.

One of the topics on Krisanne’s podcast this week was the Cox and Kettler case in Kansas. Here is some background: The federal government is enforcing interstate commerce law where it does not apply. These folks created a part of a weapon that is made in Kansas, sold in Kansas, used by citizens of Kansas. Yep, no interstate commerce, that there is intra-state commerce. This case is clearly a violation of the 10th amendment, while targeting the 2nd amendment. Sickening what government will do to curb, regulate, and therefore continue to erode our Liberties as Citizens.


One thing every government will never admit is that our rights come from our Creator, not any government. The elimination of our Creator from government is a ploy to make government God, idolatry knows no end does it?  Government is required to grow to fund itself, odd since governments are instituted among us to Protect and Defend out Liberties and Property, not overly fund itself with taxes, fines, and other methods of enforcement that confiscate the wealth and property from its citizens.


So the Kansas Legislature passed a law, Kansans followed the law, and the big bad federal government decided that the folks in the middle of the country are not worthy and don’t know how to govern themselves.


It just goes to show that Government Over reach knows no bounds.


Franklin was right when he said, “if you can keep it.”

Odd, I was accused on Wednesday of not liking government, my response “It’s Tyranny I despise.”



There endith the rant…….