Rant of the Day……… 17FEB17

Rant of the Day……


Friday 17FEB17


Let’s see if we can get to the bottom of this pile of feces that is strewn so far amongst us. Piled so high by the elite to display that we, us commoners most have no idea what has begotten us.


This rant was to be on Government Overreach and how it has corrupted our finest cities, towns, and neighborhoods. It was near two pages long about, well you will read about a vacation hot spot near the North Shore soon enough, please take that as a warning.



Then to stay positive my wife re-centered me, as she does so very often back to the positive side of things. Back to Principles and a book I have been reading. It’s called The 5000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen.

Instead it has turned to these three statements, as they all apply:


The only reliable basis for sound Government and Just Human Relations is Natural Law.

-1st Principle accredited to Cicero (106-43 B.C.)


If we do nothing to halt these abuses, we run the risk of becoming, as Alexis de Tocqueville warned, nothing more than “A Flock of timid industrious Animals, of which the Government is the Shepard.”


(Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1840)


“The measure of the State’s success is that the Word Anarchy frightens People, while the Word State does not.”


-Author -Joseph Sobran


Why is it that in the “Land of the Free” that “Ruler’s Law” prevails? How is it that the People have forfeited their Liberties’ to include instituting “People’s Law” to reduce and hopefully eliminate the tyrannical structure that Government in its many webs have become.


Can you comprehend the difference in Ruler’s Law and People’s Law? When was the last time you hurt someone or caused damage to their property? If the answer is I can’t remember, good for you. Now when was the last time you were awarded a citation from an Officer of the Government, to include tax notifications, speeding tickets, auto registrations, auto insurance, any services associated with your home that have a tax that comes through the mail. Remember, taxes are to curb a social norm, think smoking, and global warming why else would someone pay taxes upon taxes for electric and electronic mediums and their uses.


Legislation in violation of God’s Natural Law is a scourge to Humanity. – a note taken from that book previously mentioned above.


If Government accuses (The 5-0), tries (the gov’ts’ lawyers) and convicts (the Publically paid Judge) us with only its own agents on the pay roll how is that or can it ever be considered a fair trial? Remember that taxes are paid for a service to the population; this is one of those services. Services are not supposed to make money, for it they were it would be done by private industry for a profit.


How have my incursions upon the Liberties of Others been cause for me to forfeit Liberties and Property far in excess of incursions done by the King’s man? How can a Peoples’ Law allow the Government to value itself in excess of the Value of one of its own Citizens? Easy answer, Governments’ that can kill you demand a certain of self-indulgence when it comes to the Governmental interpretation of Law. It would be a disservice to all not to make note of the Value we all hold in the eyes of those watching over us all keeping us safe from ourselves. If you have determined as I have that a Government that can and has killed its own Citizens with and without due process of Rulers’ Law, Values its Citizens Not.


Or do they only value you for what they can borrow against you and your Posterity?


There endith the rant…….