Rant of the Day…18JUN18 It is in the Math

Rant of the Day…


It is in the Math


If I were to tell you that most things in life that don’t make sense are because you forced yourself or were indeed forced into a box?  That is you were manipulated into a digital decision, when the obvious thing is to do nothing.  Then after you made the decision you reluctantly made came to see the other moving parts involved?  For those of you that follow the danger page routinely, I want to thank you for stopping by again to for the near daily update of “Where the Trash Goes”.


Been looking at the Who’s Who’s of waste in the County of Cochise.  I mean the Manager of Sierra Vista does after all represent a 97% stakeholder of its existence.  Those are comments that can be viewed on youtube in May 2018 on the City of Sierra Vista youtube channel.  So, my interest was in who is the influential 3% that brought the system to its knees and forced a 15% rate increase within the City of Sierra Vista.  These are a few morsels of what I found.

Copied from County of Cochise Solid Waste.  What drew my eye was that it was down the road from the competition since Huachuca City also operates a landfill.



  • An official “Free Dump Day Certificate” is mailed to all residential property owners of Cochise County.
  • Certificates are valid from May 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.
  • Certificate has no specific cash value. It is good for one trip consisting of one non-commercial passenger vehicle, truck, or trailer load of refuse weighing a maximum of one ton. Any customer load over one tonwill be charged for the additional weight at the current tipping fee.
  • Certificate is transferrable, so you may give it to someone else, perhaps a neighbor or tenant. The holder of the certificate must surrender it to the Solid Waste Fee Attendant at the time of the transaction. Certificate MUST be presented to redeem your Free Dump Day.
  • Certificate can be used at any open Cochise County refuse transfer station. For a list of locations and hours call 520-803-3770 or go to www.cochise.az.gov
  • Replacement certificates will not be issued to anyone; so please do not misplace or damage it. The Fee Attendant must be able to identify that it is an original post marked  certificate. The Solid Waste Department reserves the right to reject any certificate that may appear to be duplicated, altered or changed in any way.
  • Certificate allows a resident to include a maximum of 5 tires within the free load.




The residents within Sierra Vista, AZ are provided a service from the government since it is a loser financially and private businesses are required to turn a profit.  So, in the losses in negotiations at the County, the same dude represents the City and the County as the chair of the refuse rate disposal cost to consumer, are difficult to compartmentalize.  Which to compartmentalization experienced folks like myself is cause for concern.  Concern on the cognitive dissonance level, that tends to lead one’s head to want to explode.

Not wanting noggin particles on the computer screen I provide this version of Truth through my eyes.

The City of Sierra Vista pays with an increase in tipping fees.  While the residents of the County are subsidized with one ton of trash by printed certificate, too include 5 tires.

I mean the server is the County and gets the tonnage, meanwhile Sierra Vista gets served has to tip @15%.  Can you see it?

I do believe we have discovered “Que Bono” have we not?


There endith the rant…..