The Rant Continues…………Thursday 9 FEB 17 Rant of the Day…….#2


Thursday 9 FEB 17
Rant of the Day…….#2

Thanks to those of you who accepted the invitation to the Facebook page. The rants are going to return, along with some of the types of posts already on This at first was an outlet for my frustrations going on around each of us in the world. Things such as how the press IS propaganda; if you recall Hillary Clinton was a 99% favorite the Monday prior to the last General Election cycle, that was “News” was it not? If it is “News” it must be fact, not speculation.
The odd thing is that the Presidential election caused me to turn my sights inward to see where I could be most effective in interacting with Government and my Elected Officials. Boy, I sure stepped in something that I was unaware was there. But, with a little research the planets align and statements made make crystal clear sense. These issues are already running their course and the reasons to resist are futile, as in the end the story ends the same, why waste time writing another chapter. Hope that makes a little sense.

So I did miss the Bernie “The Socialist” Sanders vs. Teddy “Lying Ted” Cruz last night. Did get some background from some sound bites from various podcasts today. It boils down to this, and applies generally across the whole spectrum of daily governmental and personal applications.

1) The American People no longer own themselves, as in they no longer control their own destinies of their own bodies; Affordable Care Act is proof of that.

2) How can the gov’t save money on health care? It’s if you build it they will come moment. What we building? Multi-use Bike paths. Why? Less use of the internal combustion engine will reduce pollution, reducing pollution reduces green house gases that are responsible for “Climate Change”, or the weather, and I leave the interpretation up to you.

3) Somehow medical statistics are available to produce an outlook that creates the vision that military towns populations are unhealthy. Increase disabled population 18-65 yrs. old. Explanation, people who serve their country go above and beyond the call of duty on a daily basis, risking life and limb for others, sometimes injuring themselves in the process. When injuries occur that have lifetime medical and quality of life consequences Troops are compensated for their injuries by the VA, in the form of disability payments. Military towns will have increased populations of disabled Veterans, especially if the climate is pleasant, since when its all said and done with all we want is to be left alone and enjoy our little piece of the American Dream.

4) Statistics are easily manipulated. Case in point, if the task was to reduce the number of disabled or diseased in a current location wouldn’t it be simplest just to remove the disabled or diseased from the equation to begin with?

Theses are just a few of my many thoughts on a how codes, regulations, laws, reduce or eliminate the Liberties of Americans every day. It turns my stomach. Why would I have invested my adult life protecting something that really never existed in the first place? How is the Public so entranced by television that no one knows what is truly going on? I understand that politics can be boring, however, it impacts every single one of us. People need to wake up!

That’s all I got for tonight, still attempting to remain logical while dealing with some personal involvement that has been emotional at times.

I close with this. Since it can be said that we no longer own the thing (personal medical) that is going to impact our collective survivability during an illness or a disease. We truly don’t own anything, not even our other property. This is becoming more and more evident to me, every day and it makes me sad for my children. I feel as if my generation has failed in defending the personal Liberties of our posterity. I can only hope that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, sort of like energy creation, physics, and of course geology.

Speaking of Geology and how it relates exactly to Political Science. Both are the study of Rocks, and Carbon is identifiable in both. That brings to light the Carbon tax in away that most will never comprehend, doesn’t it?

This rant is ended, open your eyes and see the forest past the trees folks. Soon please this doesn’t end well with unchecked governmental power and influence. They are screwing over We The People; go in peace while you still have a few pieces of Liberty to cling too.

There endith the rant………………..