Rant of the Day….
What you talking about???
So here I am again up in the middle of the night unable to sleep. The odd part is that this has been me for a while now. Glad that I was able to learn about Bitcoin and EGC and various other crypto-currencies. Its kind of a neat feeling playing marbles at various times with folks, but also setting yourself up for success as more and more folks come to trade.
Think we may have hit a mile stone here at the decarlosdanger.com We were read in New York City folks. Next to a court house, actually right down the way from where George Washington took the oath of office. Right down around the corner from Wall St. Odd, the country was yet to be a corporation at that point.
Well, if we were read in NYC, it could have been the weiner aka the o g danger himself. Perhaps he will send in a crotch shot. Then the joke will be on all of us.
Moral of the story is this. Liberty of ones Being and Property doesn’t mean you should send crotch shots to kids. Sicko. But, perhaps by the time each detail is gone through, but then when we are debating what the meaning of is, is we lost this place years ago.
Fellow Patriots I am full of Love for you. I am full of Love for the Tyrant that knows not what they do. I am full of Love for the Tyrant that knows and follows the paths of Tyranny. However, I no longer consent to Tyranny in any form.
Props to Martha McSally yesterday on her chant on the House floor. Seems great at face value, however, the issue it was attached to failed. Seems as if the narrative of the press and the elected are different but yet the same. Just like the choices presented for elected office with party involvement. It is as if I am back in front of all of the IG Joe’s (Thank you for the sign Mr Engval) prior to deployment. If it is a turd and you shine it and make it your own, all you end up with is a shiny turd and shit on your hands. If you are ready to make that level of commitment to yourself and others, then you may be ready to look into pandoras boxes of shit and welcome to the Service of the Corporation that is your Country.
You see when you provide Service to your country, the only one getting Serviced is the Country by You. So just make sure you add up them dots and count them prior to pressing hard and making five copies. It is a noble occupation, but just go in with your eyes open.
Thank you to the Federal Reserve for making the value of my currency increase. Not the fiat, but the other. Bitcoin’s current price per coin is: 1588.25 +/-.
Yeah this whole internet thing really caught the rulers off guard. We aren’t supposed to be talking to each other across borders and exchanging value without them telling us how to and what to with of course the what for at the end. Getting in line, don’t think for yourself. Obtain your destiny, it’s right there in front of you, its ok, no matter what it always has to be ok.
Shout out to my best friends Mom. I love you and you are in my prayers. Get some good weed, some Simpsons oil would be a great investment. Then get some smoke too, maybe even flavored vape pens, lemon is my favorite so far.
that number may seem inconsequential to you. However it means something to me and will try to remember to keep posting it about once a week, or maybe even each post. Something about holding yourself accountable its in the blood and mind. Just have a difficult time making the actual commitment to do so. Once done, it is, usually done though.
Sort of like this thought I have been having. Sponsoring a race on Iracing for the blog. Or better yet for the evergreencoin.org folks in celebration of their crowd funding the water well in Bangladesh. See I wrote it down, so I will do it, it’s a way of holding myself accountable for my actions. Will let you know how it goes as life is nothing more than a negotiation. Schools should be teaching us how to get the best deal, not to be the dealer. But then 1984 and Animal Farm wouldn’t be classified as fiction for a reason would they?
Oh and if any of you are waking up or refocusing on your methodologies you may want to check out Chris here @ https://www.youtube.com/user/Barnone11970/featured
He may not have all the answers but none of us do. As there is one thing that I do know it is that I do not know everything. May have save me from adding to my piles.
Maybe if you ask him nicely he may start accepting EGC for donations. IF he did that I think some folks might just be able to share with him. Just saying, but that remains to be determined.

Check out www.libertybombs.com tell them decarlosdanger sent you and want do to the podcast we were talking about. How EGC represents the very essence of the word LIBERTY!!!
Check out Devon and Brea here at
Matter of fact if the EGC Racing sign was created by the folks this would be a great and worthy thing. Thinking piece of wood, weathered and worn, tattered and beaten, but strong and reliable approx. 3’x5’ or as small as 3”x5” would be great. Negotiate lightly as Mama Bear don’t play well with folks she don’t know. So make sure you tell them that decarlosdanger sent ya. Because once that happens one more time she will be listening to the call of accepting EGC a whole lot louder, with a higher level of understanding. Thank you in advance all you wonderful people. Sure is going to be interesting when the Corporation argues with the other corporation later on down the line. Value, I laugh in your general direction about your comprehension of it.

he’s got great educational videos on trading if you have the chance stop by and say howdy. Make sure you tell ole Tiger that decarlosdanger sent you.
Last but not least I would like to thank my family for allowing me to do this and supporting me as I lose my mind watching the world be upside down in front of my very eyes. Yes kiddo #2, I too am concerned with the future. I just believe the answer may be in the past. No secret decoder ring required.
Thought of the moment…….
Is it at all odd that the ones who have surrendered to the Master either wittingly or not are the first to require use to surrender our right to defend ourselves from Tyranny.
As I end this virtual scribe Bitcoin is worth 1562.65 The free market at work. It tends to teach you not to be stupid.
Thanks for reading this drivel.
There endith the rant…..
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