Rant of the Day…. 24APR17 What’s behind door #?

Rant of the Day….




What’s behind door #?


When comedy is needed from time to time, not like Lincoln and the play, but more like if Pence was a blood relative to Aaron Burr and the was called out by the actor at the Hamilton show, satire.


You know satirical statistics like why are the vast majority of Army active military bases in areas or more precisely States that were the last to rebel?


Codes and Statutes have the enforcement of the law. However from time and memorial and henceforth, Law is enforced in Code, to keep good folks as still as Statutes, while providing the appearance of forward progress, of course. Pilfering from a stationary target is much more preferable do to its ease.


Back to the large military footprint in the Southern part of the United States of America and the subtle in your face irony that is everywhere. It’s sort of like the Tootsie Roll commercial and how many licks. How many generations will it take for you to send your young to the very forts that your ancestors fought to resist existing in the first place?


Last but not least when you realize that the joke truly is on you.


Some of you may know that Mr. decarlosdanger is adopted. Love my parents they raised me as best they could and sacrificed dearly to raise my sister and I. I love you Mom and I miss you Dad.


So sitting there trying to make myself not think about how I am ruled over and I come across this in my memory bank. My biological mother was about 40 yrs old when she bore me. I always thought I looked Irish but have found out that I am more likely Dutch. Growing up on the edge of Amish Country and realizing now that there are Amish gone wild opportunities in life. I have come to this conclusion of my very existence. I am sired by a young Amish gone wild teenager having a Mrs.Robinson teacher moment. So if you think you are having a bad day, I just got done imagining that some of the insults I have received in my life may be true. Well the older I get I do feel that the best parts of me may have run down my biological Mothers’ thighs or more distinctly passed over or through her uniformly pursed lips.


Didn’t even cuss and I know you smiled or maybe even gagged. It’s not like it has not been the tag line to this thing all the while any way.  It’s not like it wasn’t overdue.


There endith the rant….