Rant of the Day… 7MAY17 Cheque Please

Rant of the Day…




Cheque Please


Check at the Bank


Check in Chess


One version that everyone who obtains either welfare benefits from or has their wealth confiscated by the Government with its hand out as it introduces you to your Uncle FICA and in the other version the King always wins. Now that adds up, well to me anyway. These lessons of life are all around us. They are presented to us in rapid succession at a young age, at which point we recognize, inquire, are coached, and then determine our own path toward our pre-arranged destination.


Happy Sunday from the decarlosdanger.com HQ, I hope you have each taken a moment to thank your Creator for the vast opportunities that are presented to us on a daily basis. These opportunities exist in Nature, in which we are a part, so therefore all around us every moment of everyday. You must just avail yourself to hear the calls that are occurring all around you.


I claim to know this. I do not know everything. However, when people start listing the long train of abuses, I do know that we are not being governed correctly in the Republic form of government.


These observations of atrocities and Tyranny are not new, they have been prevalent on our continent for many generations, guess it just comes down to how and who can stand what. As, I can ensure you, even though the master planners attempt, there is NO one size fits all for each of us and our individual talents, desires, and needs.


A very famous American Author once scribed these words when the storm clouds were brewing. I think the sentiment of his work was accomplished due to the inability of anyone else to do so.


“Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first a patron, the last a punisher.”


Excerpt From: Thomas Paine. “Common Sense.” iBooks. https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/common-sense/id395535318?mt=11


One unites, the other divides. One compliments the other competes unfairly and unjustly on a field not its own.


I really am not a fan of cutting and pasting quotes from our shared history, however, the relevance has never been as clear as the nose on my face at the current time. I Love You all, and I Love My Creator, My Family and my Country, for I am an American.


There endith the rant….
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