Rant of the Day……
To whom shall you submit?
When you control literature, you control knowledge, therefore you control the truth, when the few control the truth, the rest are just slaves. Example, do you think that in the United States that slaves were illiterate Christians for a reason? Does not Exodus run counter intuitive to remaining in bondage? The artistic world and the bible are so in tune and in touch with each other, history repeats, they are not mutually exclusive, faith to some, Astrology and Science Fiction to others. It matters me not who or what you call your creator, but that you take time out of your day to reflect upon the Natural Law Principles of Man and Nature. Reflect upon those Principles and determine for yourself how far we have let government stray from the path of accepted behavior.
What is literature? Is it not the interpreted recording of human history through various eyes and minds? If knowledge of documented history is being censored through the control of the documented knowledge in any fashion that is Tyranny. We Free People enjoy reading how others interpret the world around them and how they fit into the fabric of societies. For if we couldn’t read about the successes of those centuries before, how would it be known that all Democracies end in Communism? How would it be known that all Dictators and Monarchs are Tyrannical? Based upon knowledge recorded by others about what they did when the Tyrannical Central Government inevitably grows all too controlling of the powers vested in men by their Creator.
That is why we must now reexamine each of our truths upon which we have built our foundation. For with a faulty foundation, everything else will eventually fall out of plumb so to speak. It makes it more difficult to make decisions upon Principles since the footing to ascertain such positions from various angles and degrees is at times faulty.
The elites never planned on the internet. Now each of us can read, write, speak and see pretty much anyone anywhere in the world. With such communications how can or will distractions continue to be made to stimulate conflict amongst people in such a way that “American Interest’s” will be adversely impacted or merely threatened. War is a terrible thing, if you are forced to look another in their eye prior to causing them to expire that takes a special talent that must be learned in the defense and propagation of Liberty, stated one slave to another never in the history of mankind before. What makes you think that right now is any different from any other?
Us commoners go off to die for the elitists, the politicians lie and steal for the elitists, when the commoners catch the politicians and government officials committing felonies nothing is done and nothing is said further.
Tyranny. The world is upside down, or is it right side up and I am standing on my head?
Now wonder my neck and back hurt….
There endith the rant……
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