Rant of the Day……..Presidents’ Day 2017

Rant of the Day……

Monday 20FEB17



“I know [patriotism] exists, and I know it has done much in the present Contest. But a great and lasting War can never be supported on this principle alone. It must be aided by a prospect of interest, or some reward.”

George Washington – letter to John Bannister

from Valley Forge (21 April 1778)


History continues to unravel in front of our eyes, repeating at times prior transgressions previously committed by Tyrannical Empires. If you listen closely and do a little research its almost as if having the film from the New England Patriots spying on another team in the NFL. As you can tell I could give a freshly pinched loaf about some of those required cultural distractions in life, they tend to detract from my Liberty.


Figured on President’s Day it would be quite appropriate to quote the first President of the United States. This wasn’t one on the top of the list.  Though when the application is applied with the accuracy and precision of a paint roller while artistry requires the most minuscule tip ever attempted in use to obtain a dictated desired represented response.


When it comes down to it we are saying enough. Enough expansion into our Lives, our Liberties, and Property, we know you are going to need more, it’s simple mathematics, bits at a time Tyrannical Government(s) no more cleaver more scalpel.


Was up last night do to my own doing, too many cookies and not enough (or any coffee), but won the Skipbo games. My wife is like some kind of jedi master trainer. Been giving her Mother limited opportunity for success the last few nights too the point where she rewarding me by baking scones this morning. I arrest the dream and reset the topic.


During the time I was up last night or it could have been days ago, I had the opportunity for a brief conversation with a Friend of a like mind. I owe this Friend a debt of gratitude for his kindness, it is difficult for the master of wisdom acquisition to recognize when he should and therefore must be the student. If one is to scribe about knowledge and Trust when it applied to ones’ neighbors, surely his mind is open to it and therefore his actions, words, deeds, and conduct must support that, or risk that of being a hypocrite. After peeling the layers off the onion so to speak it is difficult to put the majority of my adult life’s actions behind me.


Is there a direct connection to the word “Duty” and the Publics interpretation of it as dog feces?


Submariners interpretation for the word Duty- all the Shit you do for other people. Notice the capitalization of the word Shit. It is a proper noun for a reason, think of it as the interpretation of the slang word for sexual intercourse, apply in a broad brush drenched in multicolored aroma with it’s basted baked in flavor. Now go eat before you go on your next shift. That is a Duty that others provide as a service to the American tax payer. Why do I not fear getting too deep into it? I have already tasted and breathed most of it already so an occasional change is mere entertaining from time to time.


Back to Old George up there and his quote. “…Great and lasting….” For those of you who can interpret the United States as an Empire without the requirement of further influence, due or undue, you can skip the rest of this and the next paragraph. American traditions militarily and politically come primarily from the British model. The British model is that of one of conquest and Colonializing, therefore it can be logically deduced that based upon modeling and substance that the American model is an Empirical model built on conquest and therefore Colonizing, think Hawaii, Guam, etc. More on this as I research more into the histories of fallen Empires located on the ash heap of Human History.


The United States succeeded from The Kingdom of Great Britain after the Revolutionary War and was able to maintain its Independence from the same Nation after the War of 1812. Can you see a pattern of beating back Tyranny and it keeps coming back until the cause is removed, pruning back its growth to a point where societal symptoms are no longer on display since they are no longer funded to exist, therefore there is no longer value in maintaining the (dis)service. After again defeating the mightiest empire on earth, the former colonialists and their posterity turned westward and continue to expand its footprint on the continent by using the ways and means of traditions and protocol learned from our prior masters. Wash, rinse, repeat as “Manifest Destiny” is acquired one life or one dollar at a time. The life sacrificed chosen by the government, sometimes even by lottery, and the dollar spent printed by the same folks. Back to the lottery comment, can you imagine, I can’t since I haven’t lived it, but how value was seen in having a lottery for the Value of a life. The lotteries of today were illegal when drawings were held noting the value of a life. Instead drawings are held, tickets purchased, and scratchers scratched as people are distracted attempting to find their own value under the watchful eye of the State.


In closing while reading about certain societal efforts in how to most effectively and efficiently sustain our environment for our Posterity. I tend to have Youtube videos or podcasts going on in the background while accomplishing these tasks, it makes me read stuff at least twice in order to fully begin to comprehend the magnitude of the idea or process. In the background as I am reading something quite profound I hear the following on WTF Radio “Make Killing Great Again.” a poster at a VA facility in the Great State of Georgia read. Dark humor, brilliant humor when you need or want to appeal to a select group of individuals, so needless to say I may be reaching the age requirement for Depends as I actually laughed so intensely that I near urinated in my britches.


Either way if you smirked you know who you are, if it pisses you off, good for you too.


There endith the rant……