The rant of the Day…..
Equations and Inequalities
Thank you for sharing and liking. Especially for all of the “Silence” in opposition to my logic. Therefore, using the logic of our elected illuminates I must be correct. It is humbling to understand the reach of the internet folks. Its like talking to your neighbor, you know the one you trust more than any agent of the government.
It is humbling the amount of attention the last few videos have received. Thank you for your continued support. Bitcoin was around 2250 earlier today when i drafted this. Market prices being what they are.
Being censored by others in a way increased the appeal of the locals tremendously. The blog has increased by greater than 1% of the population of my HQ’s town so I am ecstatic!!
Here is the governmental equation before us. 500 and 2 million, lets see how x. y, and z can slice and dice unrequired or desired positions.
x= Bike racks at 1% with a total of <500
y=Slum and Blight, Bombs and Busses
z=Children and Teachers
Don’t worry, follow them, they know what is best for All.
I plan on making another Youtube video with in the next 72 hrs. any topics anyone would like to suggest for it? Since Public Safety, Schools, Bombs, and City Busses are going to be beat like a drum until the Math is clear as water, not mud.
This isn’t rocket science folks Government only exists due to the consent of the Governed. It should be as clear water you drink, and the sky you gaze upon, it is Our consent that allows it to exist. It cannot exist if it cannot fund itself, it cannot demand funds for non existent extremis’
This rant is ended go in Peace
There endith the rant….
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Peace to you All and God Bless