Calling All Cars……

Rant of the Day…………………
Thursday February 9, 2017
New Facebook Page and Twitter experiment

In an effort to spread the word of Liberty, and on the advice of a friend of mine who has more experience at all of this than I do. So the blog now has its own Facebook page and twitter account. Please be patient as I learn more about applying these tools to reach others who also love Liberty and all the individual rights and responsibilities that it entails.

So please share the Facebook page, retweet what I twatted if I ever learn how to tweet like a birdy. Lets make this a continuing learning experience for me, you and all of us.

We must always remember that we have more in common with each other than we ever will with any tyrannical government. This blog or any of my prior rants are not and have never been anti-Police, though in the spirit of the old revenuers of the past, it is anti taxman. The meaning of that statement is that correcting social wrongs does not need to require by confiscating wealth in any way shape or form.

It comes with Policing, being a citizen and being a human being. You are not the enemy, but your employer takes enough through taxation (legalized extortion at best, or just plain theft at worst) already, that those little ticky-tacky fines are just enough to keep a person down and fund the broke ass government.

If you keep a person down long enough they just take it as a sign that no matter how hard they work or how much they save, they can never really get ahead. The barrier of entry is so high and every time you make it to the point where you are just about to get ahead something stupid happens. Being responsible for our actions, since we all own ourselves we pay the bad person tax, oh I mean fine.

Been doing some reading about code enforcement lately and there are plenty of opportunities to violate a plethora by merely exiting ones home. Hell, there are plenty of opportunities to violate code by staying put and not leaving the house.

See it’s about Liberty do no harm to others or their property. They exchanged their wealth to obtain it, as you have yours, it’s about mutual respect. It’s about knowing your neighbors and not fearing them. It’s about knowing inside, no matter our opinions we are all just humans trying to just make it one more day, raise a family, enjoy our God given rights, be with the one’s we love, we all deserve it but we expect it.

If any cops ever read this post it goes out to 1-Adam-20. Thanks for your service, integrity, character, and attitude.

There endith the rant……..