Rant of the Day……..01MAR17

Rant of the Day……..




Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness…………..



Let us examine how Government, no matter the title of governance, constricts the Lives and Liberties of its citizens. It must or it fails. It must grow or it fails to justify its existence. When it is forced to justify its existence two of an endless list of possibilities may occur. One, it will grow and become a police state like the former Soviet Union. Or two, We The People recognize an opportunity for a change of course, one that recognizes effective processes not performance models.


Is it a stretch to make the statement that we, the United States have become a police State? Is it right to recall that the USSR isolated itself from the world, in order to protect its citizens from harm? Is it right to recall the government news was called propaganda, when a government source being used by the media to create a story with no other point of view presented is that still propaganda? A Politburo that passed decrees upon its Citizens that reduced their personal Liberty was called Tyranny. What can we call the Patriot Act? You know that wartime measure that compromises everyone’s’ privacy to keep us all safe during times of war.


Is it a stretch to say that We The People do recognize the opportunity placed before us. Is it a stretch to say the American Revolutionary War was fought over more than just taxation without representation? If I recall that was 17th on the long list of grievances. Is it too much of a stretch to say that this time in history remind me of the late 70’s and early 80’s of my childhood, but I feel as if my country and what it represented no longer exists?

Is it too much of a stretch to submit to you that the whole country is frustrated with the direction we have been going as a nation? Is it too much of a stretch to say that Democrats, Republicans, Green, Libertarians and all the others at the neighborhood levels could fix most of the ills in our society? At what point do we say you have failed us at every level except Defense, we do have the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen. We built that will a volunteer force, voluntary pawns for the elite to manipulate to protect the interests of our country. What are our Nation’s interests and where can we all be provided with a list?


I am beginning to understand the why, I can more than comprehend the how, I can see the what, who is not as self-explanatory as it should be, and all I am holding onto is the “if”. As in what if we tried something different and got a more reasonable result? What if we stopped our Government from being the poor down on their luck gambler who keeps putting in money only to continue to lose it?


What if?


How come?


How much?




As in to what end?



There endith the rant…..