Rant of the Day………….28FEB17

Rant of the Day………




Sticking with the subject of Value. Value is defined by Webster’s dictionary as a relative worth or importance. Each of us has our own value system. That is what makes America different than different countries. This is not a bad thing, diversity is good in all, where this country has gone astray again is in its immigration policies and how they are and have been presented to the American people.


Think of it this way, my family on both sides came over from Italy, Poland, and Ukraine around the turn of the 20th century. Say 1901-1904 ish, so that would make my parents the second generation of Americans born of their immigrant families. Making me the third generation of Americans of the DeCarlo clan born into this great Nation.


Value, what Value did my Great-Great Grandparents see in moving across an ocean to attempt to establish their own tranquility? What was going on in Europe in the 1900’s? What could cause the mass exits from countries totaling millions of people for the mere opportunity of a chance of success in the United States? How were these people treated upon arrival into this Nation? What jobs did they take? Who did they displace? Have the immigration policies of this Nation been used to economically manipulate the value of a dollar at that point? Most likely not, as the US was still second fiddle to the Empire of the day, Great Britain.








Looks to me as if there was revolution all over the world at that time. It was a period of “enlightenment”, or to say that each person began to realize that Natural Law, the laws of the Creator were superior to any law that man can create. When man interferes with Natural Law, corruption, loss of confidence in the system, and loss of economic opportunities’ follow. Odd, a pattern that repeats itself again, this time on a different continent, the only common link is governance.


Then if you add my Mother’s side of the Family from Poland and Ukraine it is pretty evident why someone would take the chance of an opportunity to improve one’s lot in life. Both of these Nation States were plagued with war and instability in governance. Threats from both sides as Germany, Austria, and Russia pressured the borders with influence, and the constant threat of force on a mostly agrarian society. With the United States already having its Civil War, taught now as ending slavery, but, realistically was the Industrial revolution dictating to the agrarian farmers how to grow the crops that would feed and at that time cloth the world. Ending slavery was a byproduct of the American Civil War, not the means to an end.







Having attending in the last 5 years a United States Citizenship Naturalization ceremony, some reflection on the significance of the event and its true meaning has created the next train of though.


In the late 1800’s when the United States was still expanding itself to become a continental Nation, i.e. exterminating the Native American Indian population. The rest of the World played petty politics with border areas, as it was under near continuous dispute who or what controlled where.


I friend of mine recently commented to me on the life we are given the opportunity to live here in the United States. He stated the following, not quoted as I didn’t write it down. So my attempt to paraphrase him is as follows, I like to think of where my ancestors were 150,000 years ago. I like to think that based upon Natural Law, i.e. Natural Selection, that I have within me their hopes and dreams, their DNA, their lessons learned, their predisposition to find a way to excel and live a life of dignity and mutual respect of their fellow man and mankind in general.


Taking that into consideration I make the following statements of which are my opinion. In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s when America was still licking its wounds from its Civil War, the rest of the Europe was preparing for the First World War. Instead of States within a Union, States within a continent competed for resources and when the resources were threatened, disputes arise and conflict resulted. Conflicts at the local level may have been violent, however when war erupts, the end result is total destruction of everything. Easiest way to get someone to placate him or herself before another is to remove their food and water supply. Hence the starvation that occurred over and over in the regions of the world, and the increase of immigrants from those Countries or Nations experiencing the persecution drove the immigrants to the United States for the mere opportunity to work and live at peace.


Let’s examine the immigrants who have come to the United States over the last nearly 70 years and see where the originated from and who was causing the persecution within their former Nation’s.


Korean immigrants come from South Korea (North Koreans too) as a result of the United States and the former Soviet Union’s conquests to rule the world through two opposing trains of thought. Capitalism, where one increases ones value to society and in turn increases the amount of private property and therefore value to the individual. The other is Communism, where private property is the property of all, one works to accomplish a task for the many, one is rewarded with the same Value of all unless that person is of the ruling class of society, in which case, their Value is that confiscated from others while appearing to provide general and distinct services for all.


There are some parallels that can be applied here.


  1. The Value of Life is the same under both systems. When a government can kill either the unborn or the living that government does not Value life, though it needs lives to prove its vary existence.
  2. The immigration of Koreans to the US in the 50’s increased due to the US’s involvement in Korea to save the World from Communism.


Then if you add the Vietnamese who have immigrated to this country from the early 1960’s through the mid to late 1970’s and early 1980’s another pattern, that mirrors the Korean immigrants of the prior decades.


Somali’s, other Northern African countries, Middle Eastern born countries increased dramatically after the US involvement in conflicts in those regions of the world as well. It almost makes the Statue of LIBERTY quote below as joke.


“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”


If you add this little ditty to it makes a lot more sense.


“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Right after we level the shit out of your country, bringing some LIBERTY and FREEDOM to you. All the while protecting our Nations vital interests and security.”


Could it be that our government knows that it needs immigrants for a couple of key important tasks that Americans need. One is to take jobs that pay little in monetary value but without them we would all pay much higher prices at the store for food. The other is to blame every one of the immigrants who take the low paying wage jobs when the economy tanks and unemployment rises.


The managers of the system cannot be to blame, no they need a scapegoat, and welcome new Americans everything was great prior to your arrival so it must be your fault.


Let me know if you too can see the cycle of human tragedy and wasting of lives for the pursuits of resources and riches. If you can one other question, do you have an upset stomach reflecting upon that thought? If so we may have similar genetics, which if you go back 150,000 years could be highly likely, CUZ.


I will leave you with this one thought. If our Nation’s interests and national security are located around the world is it the financial interests already there or the national security financial interests that are ready to make a bundle off of ensuring worldwide instability?


We collectively do have an established pattern of surrendering our Liberties for security after all. How can a government acquire more control over its citizens that have inalienable rights, without supplying the looming threat of insecurity? Increases the difficulty level does it not?



There endith the rant……….