Rant of the Day….
Propaganda really?? To what end??
Mama D decarlosdanger is in out of surgery. Here is to her speedy recovery!!
The folks who read in Detroit area send me an email, please.
Propaganda assessment, brightening yellow, it comes down to numbers and one of the reasons I like NASCAR is to analyze the economy. They used to have 43 with 35 full time sponsored cars, displaying the BRAND of the driver. Que the Mark Martin joke.
How in your face can you get that “You are no longer part of the community?” My city sponsored trash service has been returned to the Public Service Department, with the old, non-pedo-gate endorsing SEAL. Along with a supervision in a similar type vehicle, great job folks!! I appreciate the service to the community that each of you provide. Honestly that Value holds this place together during the hard times of peace here along side the Thunder Mountains.

How about Mayor Mueller on the side of the busses? Something tells me he has a lot of opportunities in his future. With him holding the paper he understands that the subscription base of the paper is older and therefore inclined to vote. But that runs contradictory to my recent experience at Tanuki’s, an excellent place to have dinner most nights of the month on Fry Blvd. Or the “next” West End. But then again when one thinks he knows it all and thinks a prediction can be made. My assessment is that Pat Call is going to have some competition. OR he knows the math so well that he thinks that the vote will be split in such a way that he will make it to a run off in September. Oh no, budget season will complain about having elections and how costly they are. Who and what is the age dynamic in Fry? Some people vote.
But, see the Mayor has already won, all press is good press in the political area I believe I have heard a respected man say more than once.

Too what end???? How about how effective the Mayor’s and City’s many Solicitations with the various heads of projects and holders of the missions of the future, that we are supposed to hand the hat of any resemblance of a population?
Assessment: BY-Pass just got chip sealed. Guess we are the old quiet town folks. Since it is self evident that all the money in this town comes from down the street. Highway trust funds originated as a counter to the Russians, built in the best German way possible with the most amount of profit. The Autobahn is enlightening in that regard. Or are they spending too much time at the buffet or as I associate DC as being the “Trough” at the cost of the citizens? Feasting at the trough instead of increasing your situational awareness will get ya overtime. Even on a bike, more on that later.
And email from American Airlines just came through my email. To register to win for my company. The funny part is that today I over did it on my bike like to the part that I lost the ability to focus on the task at hand. You might find that funny since I ride on sidewalks and bike paths primarily. I learned that going to visit my aunt and cousin in Lorain, OH. Steel mill town in decline. I learned about it riding along the beaches in San Diego, and now in always sunny Sierra Vista. Believe me it looks the same it just is from a more close up multi sense point of view.
Well you see I lost focus and took my mind and eyes of the road on recycling day. I, through muscle memory associated with my cool down to the house and doing it daily, I dodged a rough spot on the road (it hurts my sensitive posterior) and clipped a city blue recycling bin. The last time that happened, not me hitting a bin, but me going ass over teakettles on my bike, I met my wife. Something good is going to happen!!
Like I said it was my cool down so my velocity was not extreme but I am a pretty good-sized shade creator for a short fella. So the thud left its mark. Took some skin and added some aches to be felt until the Buckeyes Kick Off the season, but this too shall pass, but recognizing the trend and patterns are half the battle. Life is baseball, season after season, it is that simple folks. Who you trading for to make your team better? What is the difference in watching the Tide Car on the track or on TV every 10 mins during your Days of…..
Well anyway that’s that rant for now, may have to invest in a dicta phone or something. Or hunting and pecking may be in my future.
There endith the rant……..