Rant of the Day…..
Administration Fees
Been gone awhile, and for that we at decarlosdanger.com do apologize. However, that being said, it is the opinion of this author that the deviation from the path was required in the interest of continuity of the pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness. Interesting time, as I have been writing but in a stenographers pad, having also recently discovered one of the all time great humorists books, been reading and researching. But, in an effort to be more eloquent and effective I have turned my attention again to local politics, since honestly those are really the only ones we can have a direct effect on in the most efficient means possible or so I thought.
The web is created
The web is defined
The web evaded?
The web redefined
The web is government
The web is control
What hath Liberty meant
To the Warriors of old?
Prior to US Government
and its two party Tyrannical System
We bowed to Kings and those with rings
I for one don’t miss that
During those prior planting seasons
The 7 Years War raged on
Sacrificing American Fathers and Sons
Defending the Kings land the reason
After the French were vanquished
The Tribes of Natives lied to
All the Kings Conscripted Soldiers
Were also lied too
So why did they serve
Having that foreknowledge?
They weren’t conscripted, just poor
And couldn’t afford college
See I should have wrote that down on the stenographers pad, as it seems not quite ready for publication and needs a bit of wordsmithing. However, it was just coming out of my head when I was contemplating how to introduce the subject of the day, well yesterday, the danger was told it took 5 hours to scribe. I was just trying to get the words right, which I failed at but you can be the judge. I wrote an email to the Mayor and Council during the public comment period since it appears that the spoken word can be not only ignored but also discounted, in regards to the CDBG funds allocated to this fine city of Sierra Vista, Arizona. Since it appears staff may be recycling ideas of justification of existence, every government employees job to do when the economy turns turns, the engine is the Army and Military Intelligence, it is indeed where the lie begins.
Supplemental Background Info:
- The CITY of SIERRA VISTA, AZ has numerous InterGovernmental Agreements (IGA) : Which in layman’s terms more less means that the CITY is reliant on services of the US Government. An example would be that Ft Huachuca supplies bomb sniffing dogs to the CITY in cases of Public Emergency. You know like the annual bomb threat at schools during finals and the Seniors last week?
- The CITY of SIERRA VISTA, AZ has this year started providing ambulance service on Fort Huachuca at nearly the farthest place on the post from the local hospital. The CITY is now supplying the manpower, vehicle, and fuel to support safety efforts in a military installation. The US Gov’t is providing a Grant of Financial Privilege to underwrite it all at a cheaper cost the American taxpayer while leaving the residents of Sierra Vista on the hook for the pension part of the financial pie. Not sure what the total plus or minus of the number of jobs or the total of income per employee, but, as it can be seen anytime a government agency enters into an enterprise to create the opportunity for profit, anti-trust suits would follow a private company that established that type of monopoly.
- The CITY of SIERRA VISTA, AZ has recently increased its trash service by 15% and it appears that next year it will be the same proposal. First blamed on loss of commercial accounts, then on recycling and China, it leads one to believe that the only commercial activity occurring within in the range of the Sierra Vista refuse service area was recycling. I hear tell they cost a wee bit more, but they provide excellent service, ask them they will tell you. Or watch the City Council video the end of May 2018 and just listen.
- During a recent City Council meeting at City Hall within the borders of SIERRA VISTA, AZ it was mentioned that a Department of Justice audit of CITY infrastructure in regards to the Americans with Disabilities Act from a number of years back has yet to be complete, nor was there a percentage given of the amount completed with a calculated timeline of completion. Sort of like a Plan Of Action and Milestones (POA&M), which logically if It were truly engaged with the community be placed on the webpage for review. Perhaps under the Disability Commission, as it would seem there would be a high degree of interest in that Commission for 100% compliance with ADA standards from Ft. Huachuca to Hereford.
- The CITY of SIERRA VISTA, AZ made a motion that was approved by Council that Planning and Zoning Commission meetings formerly held twice a month will now be held as required. It brings a few questions to mind, does that mean there will be more meetings or less meetings? What is the requirement for notifying the public of said meetings? Can, will these meetings be broadcasted or recorded for historical purposes? The concern being this, the Cultural Diversity Commission meets the last week of the month. Logically it will meet most likely 9 to 10 times during a calendar year (subtract Thanksgiving and Christmas, most likely Dr. King’s birthday as well) if all systems are working properly. However, when I attempted to attend a Cultural Diversity Commission meeting I was told by our our employees that that commission was dark, with the meaning, at least I hope in my heart was that it was not in existence, since it did not have enough members to sustain or obtain a quorum. That being said, it was frustrating to plan a day of learning from others and be so disappointed with the outcome of the foray into the folly that is government. It’s supposed to cost a lot, that way you won’t want to spend the money.
- decarlosdanger.com does not care for Federal overreach into any aspect of their lives, let alone local government. I mean the beginning of the lie starts down the street. For one who was required to live it for so long it has become as if it is an old 33-1/3 LP with a scratch that has caused it to loop (for you youngsters that was when music was still pure analog and made with potential). CDBG funds allow, permit, and encourage localities to take 15-20% of the total for administration fees. So in essence one willing to place one’s hand out, must also be willing to inflate the price of paper and electricity? That shit is done by computer like everything else right? I can recall when penmanship was required (my Navy job scribing in deck logs of nuclear powered submarines comes to mind) this was to ensure that for posterities sake historical evidence was made to record all transactions made. On the boat this was in order to provide one the ability to question authority, or in my case in the Navy provide Forceful Backup in the Control Room when required, in a way that did not draw the continuous unwanted attention of the eaves dropping equipment installed back home, but provided a clear concise message to the intended receiver(s) if its transmission. Safety of Ship being of utmost importance once any vessel is at sea, no matter how near or far landfall may be, or the depth beneath the keel while anchored or underway, without the Ship we fail to exist. I truly am beginning to find it odd that in a Stockholm Syndrome type way that it is definitely more difficult to exist without the burden of the Ship. I will admit while attached to a Submarine, one it truly attached to one’s occupation, in ways that are not only unrecognizable to the landlubber, but incongruent with societal norms of most times in human history, bar perhaps that of the Vikings.
So this is the electronic letter that was transmitted to the CITY as suggestions on CDBG funding spending, the spending is supposed to aimed at low to moderate income areas. If you have made it this far, I appreciate your reading. I also, would appreciate your candor in the comments as well. Thanks for the support, criticisms, and cynicisms.
Honorable Mayor and Honorable Members of City Council,
Thank you for the opportunity to address you in regards to the CBDG 2018 funding.
Having spoken to Council in the past during call to the public and gone unaccounted for in the talley of the whole 3 Public comments regarding the recent refuse rate increase (as heard on a recent local radio broadcast), I will scribe this electronic letter in an effort to provide both historical accountability and for future reference purposes, as it would seem some forget or tend to ignore the folks who address them too often in official capacities at City Hall during official Public meetings.
I like some would prefer that exterior federal dollars, acquired outside of that generated fromthe business of the fort or income derived from many numerous other FED/STATE/County governmental occupations (functions) within the region, would not be used to prop up our local safety net (welfare) systems, infrastructure, government structure, or local artisans. However, that being said, it is understood that we collectively will never agree on that topic. With that in mind, I would like to propose areas of targeted concern of the community and a bit of restructuring to the amount disbursed based upon the administrative or fixed cost of being granted such financial privilege from the US Government.
My pattern of though revolves around an unaccounted for ADA audit (it may have been presented to you after it was brought to your attention during a video recorded session). Assisting the folks that need it to get by when they have no where else to go, and perhaps joint ventures with local civic groups (perhaps you might be members of a few) interested in repainting the water tower behind Guastavo’s (which will make it pretty for the newer HUD homes built over the most financially efficient means of transporting goods ((including recyclables) and people to and from this location and to the free market). If you need new heels on you boots and are on the west end, Guastavo’s does indeed do a great job.
1. ADA Improvement Requirements VS. Existing ADA Audit: With a look towards improving the adequacy of ALL ADA Requirements within the Public Meeting Rooms or Spaces where comments are made by Elected Members, City Staff, or Public in general (hearing, etc) that have any substance (advantages/consequences) to the Public At Large to include such things as all Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning Organization meetings (as It involves transportation of the folks), along with all Committee and Commission meetings (since ADA requirements span all sectors within our local government structure). Perhaps a way to work around this and provide folks the ability to virtually be there and make comments at the same time might be to live stream and record all of those meetings to the City’s Youtube page? Excellent job to the staff running that. Especially the renaming of the archived videos, it makes it easier to bounce the agenda/minutes/video of the scenarios you have dealt with in the past. Sidewalk improvements should be next as helping folks maintain their Personal Liberty to move from place to place is indeed what our Republic style of governance was formed to protect in the first place. A few examples of this would be on N 7th St between the two apartment complexes and the local store (unfortunately for the CITY currently located in the county). It is not the odd pattern of paving the sidewalks I question, as by its appearance once can come to the conclusion that it is indeed ‘good enough for’ normal ‘government work’, however, there are steep drop offs on the edges in some areas in excess of 6″ or more that would most likely violate an ADA standard of some sort. Since the areas standard curbing appears to be similar in elevation and angle towards the existing City infrastructure. Also, on the multi-use path in Soldiers Park (off of Garden) at the bottom of the hill, a root has elevated the path significantly, my concern being for the kids in the neighborhood who use the park routinely and are confident, talented, able and daring enough to thread the needle of the fixed obstructions near the bottom of the slope, just glad there is a semi soft grassy area at the bottom for them to tumble in when they run out of talent.
2. Assisting the folks that need it to get by when they have no where else to go: If there is a way to increase the amount of CBDG funding provided to the local Publicly funded safety net system, I would be in favor of raising it to the administration cost $52,130 or even $60K for a nice round number. Since it would be used for its purpose of serving low to moderate income residents. It would only seem right to at least disburse that amount if not more to the good folks that require it to survive, instead of supplying the newly acquired financial grants of privilege for an administrator of funds (?aka General Fund?).
3. Local Artisans and beautification efforts: Perhaps the City can spring for reusable material for future use if this project is successful. Something that can be used by our servants in the future if the need arises. Something in the order of scaffolding that could be used not only on water towers, but at Public Buildings like the Cove (interior and exterior) and Performance Stage at Veteran’s Park are examples that come to mind. Reduce future scaffolding rental costs for repairs while enabling and empowering the local community at the same time train of thought.
4. This list as with most when dealing with governmental affairs is not meant to be finite, complete, or all inclusive, as I am quite sure others in the Sierra Vista voting and taxed Public area will have other and better ideas than these few suggestions made by myself to each and everyone of you. I can only hope that each idea is given the priority in some semblance of improving the Liberty of freedom of movement for the disabled (ADA) and those in dire need of Public assistance (welfare) to survive, prior to beautifying the area. Though creating a setting where one can find joy in being outside of there domicile should be a priority, when prioritizing the sustainment of Life and the defense of Liberty of movement it must logically be lower than that of the disabled and the low to moderate income folks within City limits or even the Sphere(s) Of Influence (SOI) due to the many Inter-Governmental Agreements (IGA) without being in violation of the various laws in place that keep each level separate from each other. A little cooperation instead of consternation between organizations composed of elected representatives and City Staff such as the MPO can go a long way.
Summary/Example of current grant expenditures: I make these few suggestions based upon this example (patterns of disbursement and trends for administration would/will most likely be identical for all ‘Grants’) of the following self-evident facts of grant spending elsewhere within the City. Financial Grants of Privilege are provided to our Brave folks Serving and Protecting us at the Police Department (Operation Stone Garden[sp]). The Chief has rightfully so declared them as funds from Homeland Security. Have you ever asked yourself what funds the Homeland Security Grants of financial privilege? I have, (I am sorry I was an Army Intel instructor in a prior life, surely Mr. Mayor you can understand) the answer I have found in my research is the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), if this is what you find as well, it means that our locally taxed folks will never be able to financially afford the pensions of the folks deserving them, since the size of our PD is actually a little larger than that of Goodyear or Avondale, AZ (couldn’t find the article that provided a total PD census of 65), if I recall the article correctly, either of which is nearly twice the local population and indeed are actual suburbs of a metropolitan area with millions, not hundreds of thousands as there are here amongst the sky islands. Either way you slice it there is room for improvement in matching Public employees (at every level not just the PD as it is not my target, but an example that I was able to find that makes sense to me and I hope you as well) to the city population and tax base. The redirection that folks from the country come here to shop, is already funded and covered by the County Sheriff’s Office, so there is no need for a double tap.
Local government it would seem has been having a few ‘Field of Dreams’ moments, building so folks will come, however, the opposite has rung true since 2013-14 and the elimination of work on fort through sequestration used by the prior administration and the following decline in population. Don’t you find it odd that sequestration cut social and military programs, but yet the Public debt (Federal debt that ties directly with Federally funded CDBG) as a whole continues to balloon? Call it a Reduction In Force (RIF), rightsizing, or realignment, there is a reason City inspectors are being used by the County. It is to provide work and billable hours, nothing more nothing less. It has nothing to do with effeciencies and all to do with justifying one’s existence.
In closing thank you for your time, if the math comes out correctly, the distribution of the $260.6 K comes out to about $148K towards ADA (accessibility within City Hall and infrastructure improvements in areas of low to moderate income), $60K towards the local Public Safety Net programs (welfare) and possibly Local Artisans for beautification efforts made in low to moderate income neighborhoods, if able and practical. If able to minimize or reduce the administration costs of the Federally Funded Grant of Financial Privilege those funds should be used for the folks in immediate need first, then towards less prioritized projects.
However, ADA requirements should and must be addressed, as I am quite sure after personally being audited by a federal agency before, it is quite lengthy and detailed (how else does one prove that their job is critical and indeed required). It is a shame that a tremendous amount of time has passed and yet the corrective requirements have not been made. It kind of makes one wonder what the priorities of management are, correcting the discrepancies or providing work to a staff, supported by a dwindling population and therefore tax base?
Please instead of using measures of performance attempt to use reasoning and logic that draws one to the conclusions that demonstrate measures of effectiveness.
Very Respectfully,
Michael DeCarlo
Sierra Vista, AZ
Sierra Vista is a city in Cochise County, Arizona, United States.As of the 2010 census the population of the city was 43,888. The city is part of the Sierra Vista-Douglas Metropolitan Area, with a 2010 population of 131,346.
Avondale is a city in Maricopa County, Arizona, United States, adjacent to Phoenix.According to the 2010 census, the population of the city is 76,238.. Avondale, incorporated in 1946, experienced rapid residential and commercial growth in the years since 1980.
COGs and MPOs have been established in the state of Arizona to deal with issues and needs that cross city, town, county, and state boundaries.
PS. Having spoken to Council in the past during call to the public and gone unaccounted for in the tally of the whole 3 Public comments received regarding the recent refuse rate increase (as heard on a recent local radio broadcast), I have scribed this electronic letter in an effort to provide both historical accountability and for any possible future reference purposes, as it would seem some are apt to forget or perhaps it would seem may even tend to ignore the folks who take time out for their personal lives to address Council too often in official capacities at City Hall during official Public meetings.
I do hope the transfer of Soldiers to Ft Bliss in El Paso doesn’t depress the local census count on post too much, as it might have an adverse effect on the projected project grant funding levels obtained in the past. Being one that was forced to fill out a census form, by lawful order at each port visit within US control in the past during various deployments, I am sure that each member either staff or student will have the ample opportunity to be directed to fill out multiple forms as they either work their way through, or to Fort Huachuca during the coming census at the end of the decade. Militarily speaking, there are no problems, only solutions.
Based upon my operational military experience (letter attached for your review) not all (if any ever) military solutions are moral, just, or righteous, most times they just attempt to solve the percieved problem as currently interpreted and presented without regard of future ramifications of the actions taken by such direction. Then again, this isn’t a war nor a war zone, just a small city (perhaps the safest on the int’l border) with an extremely large and burdensome government in the American Southwest Sonoran Desert, in a semi arid plateau region trying to stay financially afloat, apparently and currently by any and all financial means necessary.
Be a good politician, Tell the folks to hide their wallets, refuse (trash) was the only the first wave of the coming attempts to fund the folly of local governance, not to mention fund the 2% pay raise across the board along with 10 more days of vacation for the manager approved (not unanimously on most accounts mind you) by Council.
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