Rant of the Day….. 4-5APR17 What do you say? What do you say? What do you say?

Sitting at the decarlosdanger.com HQ Throne of Power, next to the decision desk, not the toilet bowl mind you. Reflecting on the day and the wonderful experiences that I have experienced. At times I know that it appears that you are interpreting my inference from my recorded thoughts on digital. In my lifetime, from stacks of wax at 33/45 rmp (I think there was a slower one too like 15-17, its like hexadecimal with a wide bandwith, or room for some filtering to occur). If I am right on the records math, I just pulled that out my butt. So from stacks of wax, with art and some album covers were and are art. But from analog to digital the packages shrank and the need for Art of Intrinsic Value was diminished. For within the digital world everything is a pixel, square, right angles, edges, non cylindrical, and unable to be round.

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Rant of the Day…. 3APR17 One at a time……

Liberty to chose ones path with out being corralled like chattel for amusement. Liberty to examine OUR common History and demand account for errors in the teaching of our youth.

Liberty to demand PEACE

Liberty to display to all with open eyes what exactly American or United States interests are.

Liberty to say to you, how is it that a Nation that prides itself in it culture of immigrants, but is despised around the world for creating the need for immigration?

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Rant of the Day…… 1APR17 BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS /////////////Breaking News//////////NEWS FLASH//////////

Rant of the Day……


/////////////Breaking News//////////NEWS FLASH//////////

In a groundbreaking announcement the decarloenterprises.net organization state that they have established a virtual racing team to compete on Iracing.com in the Street Stock Class C Fixed Division and……………

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Rant of the Day…. 1APR17 Happy April Fool’s Day

But as long as some small group is claiming a day I claim today, this day claimed by fool’s to be a true American voter holiday. The same fool’s keep running and the same fools keep voting for them. A recent podcast on the Jason Stapleton Program (available on Itunes, youtube, others) hit the nail on the head with this Affordable Care Act stuff.

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Rant of the Day….. 30MAR17 Archie Bunker and Fred G Sanford………

Archie Bunker and Fred G Sanford………

Hey Dummy tell Meathead to get us three beers and some champipple, we are extending our elbows and Liberties.So the CIA is the real director of the Nation. It causes the music to be played and the public dances to the beat provided. Odd though, we don’t pick fights with People who believe the way the majority believes, unless of course they are a third world nation that is threatening US interests.

KGB=Secret Police

Secret Police=Secret Court

Secret Court=FISA COURT




TYRANNY=COMMUNISM, DICTATORSHIPS, nothing good happies with Tyranny

For with TYRANNY there can be no True LIBERTY..
Freddy G says to Archie, nice neighborhood you have here, have you met the Jeffersons? They be moving on up, that’s what Ester says anyway.

To the woman who gave birth to my oldest child, please know that I am forever grateful for the gift you have given me and forever in your debt.

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Rant of the day, well week, ok ¾ of the month……… March 2-24 2017 Pursuits if Life, Liberty, and Happiness

If it wasn’t for understanding that establishing a pattern of life of one’s enemy makes it possible to “Know your enemy as you know yourself”.

It comes down to Value, with a capital V. We all have it, no one goes to work to do a bad job, if there is a problem then it is most likely with the process. If it does come down to the person and their actions then lets take a look at the actions and draw conclusions with the individual so that we can take corrective action to prevent further mistakes or miscalculations. The most valuable piece of equipment ever created is man, for if it was not for man, then none of this other stuff, than man created to make work easier and more efficient would be around to begin with.

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Rant of the Day…. 23MAR17 Welcome to Freedom My Friends

Looks like this blog may be sponsoring a camping area, guess I better sell some advertising space and get some stickers made for distribution to the good folks in an effort to make an name for myself.

Between Claudia, Nancy, Ellen, Sheri, Jane, Leah, and my beautiful wife they have come to the conclusion that the following is occurring. We must define our own Value and not be dictated to by others what our Value must be. That is the moral of the story. Well to be quite honest that is the moral of most folks’ life story, we just don’t figure it out with enough time prior to our expiration to enjoy it.

Not matter how the Good People rise up in rightful indignation and say you are wrong!! The track sets the prices and the fans pony up the property to exchange for experiencing an event. NASCAR brought the people together, the People are the reason we keep coming back and camping for a week to see a couple NASCAR races.

Special Thanks to Gary the “Gare Bear” from Camping World for inviting us to watch both the Saturday and Sunday races from the Perch on the backstretch.

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Rant of the Day…… 22MAR17 WTF!! MF’s!!

WTF!! MF’s!!

After another journey deep into the soul of my spirit in a desert close by but far enough away to not live in, or be herded into, quite yet.

Two and a half weeks on the outskirts of Phoenix camping with only one trip back to the decarlosdanger HQ to gather the Mrs. and the pooches, who need a shave now as the weather has turned over early here in the booming metroplex that is the Sierra Vista, Arizona area. The pooches are the ones in need a shave, get your mind out of the gutter.

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