Rant of the Day….. 13JUN18 Time for Budgeting

Rant of the Day…..




Time for Budgeting


Well, let me tell you. The City of Sierra Vista’s Budget sessions along with the normally scheduled Council Meeting this week are no longer going on.


Citizens We The People have missed it.  Well it has yet to be finalized by vote or set in stone, however, the City’s sales pitch is over.  It ended today (Tuesday 12 JUN18) after using a little more than an hour during the second of three scheduled 1.5 hour work sessions.


All efficiently accomplished prior to moving on to the topic of refuse and recycling’s brand new schedule and stickers, which honestly has kept Our Servants scurrying and scrambling from one place to another attempting to come up with a new, more cost efficient way to haul our post consumer waste.


Moral of the story, the budget was slashed by 1/3 in an area.  Sadly, it was the amount of time for discussion on line item funding, nothing more, nothing less.


There endith the rant…..




Sierra Vista and Douglas Metroplex (insert sarcasm here) ranked 33rd, in statically analysis of shrinking city populations, which if reflected upon can be enlightening more than odd.  But, I will leave that up to your interpretation.  But, it is right in front of your eyes.