Is it too much of a stretch to submit to you that the whole country is frustrated with the direction we have been going as a nation? Is it too much of a stretch to say that Democrats, Republicans, Green, Libertarians and all the others at the neighborhood levels could fix most of the ills in our society? At what point do we say you have failed us at every level except Defense, we do have the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen. We built that will a volunteer force, voluntary pawns for the elite to manipulate to protect the interests of our country. What are our Nation’s interests and where can we all be provided with a list?
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Right after we level the shit out of your country, bringing some LIBERTY and FREEDOM to you. All the while protecting our Nations vital interests and security.”
Before I start, I must compliment Mrs. Decarlosdanger for her embracement of the NASCAR season. We watched the race in the garage with friends and she fed us and made sure that not a drink remained empty. I am one lucky man.
Man and machine, built to a specification dictated by the governing body. Made to be as identical as possible within the manufactures’ design, since what wins on Sunday sells on Monday. Its about selling cars, you know those companies too big to fail. I was Ford fan for years, but when they didn’t have their hand out for a bailout, I knew that I had chosen the correct make for me to be a fan.
Was scrolling through facebook while an article from my home town about opioid abuse came across my feed. Understanding that I have not felt the sting of an overdose directly in my personal life, I did have the misfortune to attend to the matter on a professional basis. To say that it to this day disturbs my mental faculties would be an understatement. Have no fear, the artistic interpretation of what an education is supposed to provide for you.
“Chasing the rat for the mere purpose of chasing the rat is pointless without it reaching its terminal location of expiration.”
-Michael DeCarlo
“I know [patriotism] exists, and I know it has done much in the present Contest. But a great and lasting War can never be supported on this principle alone. It must be aided by a prospect of interest, or some reward.”
George Washington – letter to John Bannister
from Valley Forge (21 April 1778)
Liberty my friends is having the ability to throw off the burdensome yoke of government. This makes essential sense, as the government is our collective employee, we are paying the freight. Its job is to keep us secure in our Liberties and Property, barring any infringement on the Liberties of our neighbors of course. No matter the opinion or “look” received from down the nose of another for applying the concept of Liberty in our daily lives and routines.
Can you comprehend the difference in Ruler’s Law and People’s Law? When was the last time you hurt someone or caused damage to their property? If the answer is I can’t remember, good for you. Now when was the last time you were awarded a citation from an Officer of the Government, to include tax notifications, speeding tickets, auto registrations, auto insurance, any services associated with your home that have a tax that comes through the mail. Remember, taxes are to curb a social norm, think smoking, and global warming why else would someone pay taxes upon taxes for electric and electronic mediums and their uses.