Rant of the Day….. 17NOV17 How Much? Since everyone is counting pennies, even my local government. The…
Rant of the Day…… 16NOV17 How come?? Well sequels usually suck so lets see how far…
Sorry got off on a “You ever wonder”, when the task was “What if”……..
Always here to talk to any of my Brothers and Sisters in Arms, we Patriots bear a unique burden that is indescribable to the laymen, not by fault of our own, but as scars from picking up the yoke for others who refused to pick it up for themselves in the defense of Liberty.
Rant of the Day 20AUG17 In Plain Sight, sort of, not really, but anyway….. So my Momma…
Being one of the oddballs that actually listened to am radio for the exchange of ideas on various subjects I heard “Good Morning Sierra Vista” mentioned this day. Which when discussed on an open forum is the use of democracy in action, since a well educated population is the best way to sustain, or even perhaps keep our individual Liberties.
Propaganda assessment, brightening yellow, it comes down to numbers and one of the reasons I like NASCAR is to analyze the economy. They used to have 43 with 35 full time sponsored cars, displaying the BRAND of the driver. Que the Mark Martin joke
Tips a Cop night tonight at Vinny’s Pizza in Sierra Vista. A place where the pie is cut in squares. Pizza-Pizza-Pizza away from the pizza by the gate on fry, I hope and therefore pray. I know a fella just like me an Alpha with daughters a man of respect and dignity. NY pizza sliced in an alternate pattern or fashion is unacceptable socially in the city and by those under its employ, not matter their current or former station. No need to look further than here for the gang sign they are now placing on your uniform and “Branding” “You” with. If this hasn’t been a topic of discussion already within the department then perhaps you are missing the forest along the river and the valleys between the local peaks.
Open letter to the World and to the inhabitants of the County of Cochise in the Great State of Arizona…
I hope you each individually voted for 60% of your tax dollar on that spent on that specific park to be spent on folks playing soccer at the low point of an older and well established thriving residential area that has used to have or is perhaps currently using septic tanks. No matter the smoke and mirrors don’t look or smell over here.