Rant of the Day 10MAR18 The SHADOW KNOW’s[sp] Ranting on…. 10MAR18 The Shadow KNOW’s[sp] https://youtu.be/fd1OReogn8M For those of you…
Rant of the Days (been in reflection)…… 08MAR18 Calling all Landlubbers!!! Ye be warned by…
Rant of the Day….. 09JAN18 Discomfort As I rose this morning I remembered that I have not…
Rant of the Day……. 14NOV17 Is NASCAR Metric? When in the course of this humans events in…
I was told this week by someone whom I love and has been an inspiration for many of my dreams and deeds that no one cares any more, or ever. But, for sure that no one cares as much as I do in their sphere of influence. The remark was meant to ‘put me in my place’ or to diminish my passion in regards to the Tyranny around all of us. No on cares.
My time at Sea has passed, It was Our Creators Will that I was blessed to Serve with all of you, it was the Creators will that I was able to lead the TEAMs’ I lead as a CHIEF both at sea and ashore. It was an Honor and Privilege for me as a humble bastard of America to do so.
Propaganda assessment, brightening yellow, it comes down to numbers and one of the reasons I like NASCAR is to analyze the economy. They used to have 43 with 35 full time sponsored cars, displaying the BRAND of the driver. Que the Mark Martin joke
Open letter to the World and to the inhabitants of the County of Cochise in the Great State of Arizona…
Grandpa also said that everyone works for someone, no matter what you are doing when working for someone else do you really know where the money is coming from? If not, then how can you know who you are indeed providing your labor, do you? If you do not know who, then how can you know why and so on and so forth. He was stressing to analyze your answers to ensure you do not trap yourself and then lose Value that has been accrued over time. He also said it is ok to not make great deals all the time, though he did make sure that I understood the difference between charity and family dealings. Since if you treat family like charity, they will act like they deserve the charity after awhile. Making the giver outer to be the bad person since one can never give enough to a taker.